Announcing 2023 Harambee Trips to East Africa

In 2023, Grace and Paul Kuto will be in Kenya between March and August to welcome and work with three volunteer teams to Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. During this trip you will see firsthand everything that Harmabee Centre and other partners are doing in rural East Africa: The Chwele Vocational Training College, Mental Health Program, Najijalii Project, Water Sanitization, Water Harvest, and Construction. You will also experience the natural beauty and vibrant culture of East Africa.  The natural beauty includes but not limited to: Safaris National Parks and other tourist attractions (Lake Victoria, visiting River Nile, Elephant Caves). 

Why should you go? Hear from one of the past multiple trip volunteer:

Dennis Burkhart:

“Traveling to Kenya with Grace, Paul, and the Harambee crew is a unique opportunity to witness the “real Africa” that anyone with a desire to experience a trip of a lifetime should embrace. I’ve done several trips to Chwele and I am excited to visit again in 2023.”

Orientation sessions will start in September. If you are interested in going sign up today by clicking on the button below.

Undecided and need more information call Grace (503) 810-9274

Harambee Centre